
Draft Zoning Code Update Available for Public Review and Comment

The City of Moorpark is pleased to release the first comprehensive Zoning Code Update in the City’s history.  As part of the City’s General Plan Update, the Zoning Code Update is an integral part of the implementation of the land use goals and policies which the General Plan envisions.  The community is invited to review the draft Zoning Code and Zoning Map and comment on changes that are proposed or suggest new edits via the City’s Zoning Code and Map Update webpage.

The Draft Zoning Code will be available for a 45-day public review from Friday, March 10, 2023, through 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 24, 2023.  

Public comments on the Draft Zoning Code can be submitted via email to [email protected] or by mail addressed to: City of Moorpark, Community Development Department (Attn: Shanna Farley),799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, CA 93021. 


Draft 2050 General Plan and Environmental Impact Report Available for Review

The City of Moorpark is pleased to announce the culmination of three years of community-driven planning for the City’s future: publication of the Draft 2050 General Plan and accompanying Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR).  This represents the city’s first comprehensive update of the General Plan since 1992. Using Year 2050 as a benchmark, the Plan defines the community’s vision of the city for the next three decades and provides goals, objectives, policies, and specific implementation measures that will direct the City’s policies towards attaining the vision.


The 2050 General Plan was prepared over a three-year period and was shaped by an extensive outreach process that engaged community members and decision-makers at every stage of the planning process. Development of the Plan was guided by a volunteer General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) comprised of 16 community stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. Based on recommendations from the GPAC and community at-large, the Vision Statement guiding the development of the Plan’s goals and policies was approved by the Moorpark City Council on February 3, 2021, and the Preliminary Land Use Plan Concept on February 2, 2022.

The 2050 General Plan is presented in 10 chapters, called Elements. These address specific topics of interest of the community and those required by State law—land use, circulation, conservation, open space, safety, noise, housing, and environmental justice—as well as one additional topic of local importance to the community—economic development. As Housing Elements are required by State law to be updated more frequently than the General Plan, Moorpark’s Housing Element is published under a separate cover to facilitate revisions compliant with State housing law.

Draft 2050 General Plan Available for Review

Community members are invited to review the Draft 2050 General Plan embedded at the bottom of this page. The online commenting period closed on Friday, March 31st. Community members may send additional comments regarding the General Plan to [email protected] Comments will be considered by the City’s Planning Commission and City Council when they review the document for approval and adoption in the Spring of 2023. Community members also have the opportunity to submit comments via the City of Moorpark website or orally at the April 25th Planning Commission and May 3rd City Council hearings.

The Draft 2050 General Plan can also be downloaded for review or printing by clicking on the download button at the top of the document just to the left of the search bar, or through this website’s Resources page under the heading “Plan and Policy Development”.

Other Outreach Opportunities

A Public Workshop was held on February 16, 2023 where the project team provided an overview of the General Plan and was available to answer questions and accept public comments. A recording of the overview presentation from the meeting is available for viewing here.  

The DEIR was available for a 45-day public review from Thursday, December 22, 2022, through 4:00 P.M. on Monday, February 6, 2023. Volume I and Volume II of the DEIR and the Notice of Availability can be found here and in the Resources section of this website under the heading “Plan and Policy Development”. More information on how to review the DEIR can be found on the City’s web page at:

Additional meetings from January through April provide the public, Planning Commission, and City Council with an orientation to the 2050 General Plan and opportunities for public participation.  As with all efforts associated with this project, community input is critically important.  We appreciate your engagement and review.  Please send any questions to [email protected]

Draft 2050 General Plan

Community members are invited to review the Draft 2050 General Plan document embedded below. Use the buttons at the top of the document to navigate between Elements, enter full-screen mode, or search.

NOTE: Firefox users may experience issues navigating between sections – Chrome, Edge, or Safari web browsers are recommended.


Preferred 2050 General Plan Land Use Plan Approved by City Council

At its regular meeting on February 2nd, 2022, Moorpark’s City Council approved a preferred Land Use Plan, a critical milestone in the update of the City’s General Plan. Made by Moorpark over a series of three citywide workshops, four interactive online activities and eleven meetings of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), the Plan designates the high-level land uses that will be permitted on all properties in the City. The majority of uses throughout the City are expected to remain unchanged from their current use through 2050. The following materials were considered by the City Council:

The preferred Land Use Plan confirmed by the City Council will be utilized to project the realistic buildout of the 2050 General Plan. Those development projections will be used to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the Plan in the General Plan Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Over the spring and summer of 2022, while the EIR is being developed, the community will have the opportunity to guide the policy recommendations that will comprise each of the General Plan Elements. Stakeholders are invited to send any comments or questions to the General Plan Update project team at [email protected].