General Plan Advisory Committee


The City of Moorpark is preparing a comprehensive update to the General Plan. The General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) is an ad-hoc committee that represents the residents and businesses within the City of Moorpark. The GPAC is responsible for providing input, feedback, and recommendations to City Staff, the Planning Commission, and City Council on key components of the General Plan as they are developed. All GPAC meetings are open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend and participate in the planning process.

Additional information about the GPAC is included in the General Plan Advisory Committee Handbook.

Mark Di Cecco, Chair
Sharon Noel
Ashley Humes
Theresa Hagman-Lawson
Anthony O'Hagan
Robert Jacobs
Catherine Kniazewycz
Moorpark College -
Julius Sokenu and John Loprieno
R Reddy Pakala
Mike Winters
Terri Hilliard-Olson
Alondra Serna
Alejandro Castro
John Billin
Isabelle Becker
Matthew Eason, at-large

Term Length

The responsibilities of the GPAC will conclude when the General Plan is adopted by the City Council, estimated to occur in 2022.

Contacting the GPAC

To send a group message to the GPAC, e-mail [email protected].

Please contact Deputy Community Development Director Doug Spondello at (805) 517-6251 or [email protected] if you have questions regarding the GPAC or an item under consideration by the GPAC.

For more information about the General Plan Update, please visit

GPAC Meetings

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