
Preferred 2050 General Plan Land Use Plan Approved by City Council

At its regular meeting on February 2nd, 2022, Moorpark’s City Council approved a preferred Land Use Plan, a critical milestone in the update of the City’s General Plan. Made by Moorpark over a series of three citywide workshops, four interactive online activities and eleven meetings of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), the Plan designates the high-level land uses that will be permitted on all properties in the City. The majority of uses throughout the City are expected to remain unchanged from their current use through 2050. The following materials were considered by the City Council:

The preferred Land Use Plan confirmed by the City Council will be utilized to project the realistic buildout of the 2050 General Plan. Those development projections will be used to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the Plan in the General Plan Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Over the spring and summer of 2022, while the EIR is being developed, the community will have the opportunity to guide the policy recommendations that will comprise each of the General Plan Elements. Stakeholders are invited to send any comments or questions to the General Plan Update project team at