The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) requires all local governments (cities and counties) to adequately plan to meet the housing needs of everyone in their community. A city’s general plan serves as their “blueprint” for how the city will grow and develop and includes eight elements: land use, circulation, housing, conservation, open space, noise, safety, and air quality.
The Housing Element includes goals, policies, programs, and objectives to guide future housing growth to meet the needs of residents of all income levels in Moorpark.
The Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) is mandated by State Housing Law as part of the periodic process of updating a local Housing Element of the General Plan. The RHNA quantifies the need for housing within each jurisdiction during the planning period. The latest RHNA allocation plan will cover the planning period between 2021 through 2029.
Moorpark will use findings from the RHNA in land use planning, prioritizing local resource allocation, and in deciding how to address identified existing and future housing needs resulting from population, employment, and household growth. By incorporating information provided by the RHNA, Moorpark can identify projected housing needs by income category and develop policies and programs that will aid in achieving the housing goals set forth in the RHNA. The RHNA does not necessarily encourage or promote growth, but rather allows communities to anticipate and plan for growth.
Household Income Levels | Definition of Affordability by Household Income Level | Required Number of Units | Percent of Units |
Very Low | Households earning 31-50% of AMI | 377 | 29.3% |
Low | Households earning 51-80% of AMI | 233 | 18.1% |
Moderate | Households earning 81-120% of AMI | 245 | 19.0% |
Above Moderate | Households earning 81-120% of AMI | 434 | 33.6% |
Total | 1,288 | 100% |
Source: Southern California Association of Governments, 2020
Moorpark’s approved 6th Cycle Housing Element is available for public review. To view the document: City of Moorpark’s 2021-2029 Housing Element and Appendix
To submit questions related to the Housing Element or to be added to the interest list for future announcements please email:
Date | Meeting | Materials |
9/2/2021 | GPAC Meeting 9: Housing Housing Discussion: GPAC members were provided with an overview of the contents of the Housing Element and its relationship to the General Plan. Staff were provided with an orientation to the RHNA and the City’s projected progress towards meeting the affordable housing goals established during the 6th Housing Element update cycle. GPAC members discussed and provided feedback on the proposed strategies to encourage the provision of housing within Moorpark and identified topics that should be considered for inclusion in the Housing Element’s goals and policies. | Agenda
Video |
12/9/2021 | GPAC Meeting 10: Follow-Up The focus of this meeting was to recommend including the draft Housing Plan in the updated Housing Element. The project team provided GPAC members with a summary of feedback received during focused outreach to housing stakeholders. Followed by a discussion of the draft housing plan goals and program recommendations, with reference to meeting State law requirements and addressing the themes raised by housing stakeholders and the GPAC during the prior meeting on September 2, 2021. GPAC members were asked to indicate their concurrence with the proposed Housing Plan and to identify any additional topics that should be considered for inclusion in the Housing Element. GPAC Action: Confirm proposed approach to the Housing Element’s goals and policies and identify any additional topics for inclusion. | Agenda
Video |
01/13/22 | Planning Commission Hearing The Planning Commission considered the Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element and unanimously supported staff recommendation to submit the document to the City Council. | Agenda
Video |
01/19/22 | City Council Hearing The City Council considered the Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element and unanimously supported staff recommendation to submit the document to the California Department of Housing and Community Development. | Agenda
Video |
01/22/22 | Public Comment Period Concluded | December 22, 2021-January 22, 2022 The Draft Housing Element was circulated for public review and comment. | |
02/08/22 | Draft Housing Element Submitted to State HCD On February 7, 2022, staff submitted the Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). HCD is currently reviewing the submittal for consistency with State law. The City will expect a response to the submittal later in the spring of 2022. | |
05/09/22 | State HCD Draft Housing Element First Response Letter On May 9, 2022, staff received a response letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) regarding the February 7, 2022 submittal of the City's Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element. The City is currently reviewing the response letter and will incorporate comments and changes into the Draft Housing Element and aims to respond in the summer of 2022. | HCD First Comment Letter dated May 9, 2022 |
06/24/22 | Revised Draft Housing Element The Revised Draft Housing Element is being circulated for public review prior to resubmittal to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). | Revised Draft Housing Element published June 24, 2022 |
09/02/22 | State HCD Draft Housing Element Second Response Letter On September 2, 2022, staff received a second response letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) regarding the June 24, 2022 revised submittal of the City's Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element. The City is currently reviewing the response letter and will incorporate comments and changes into the Draft Housing Element and aims to respond in the fall of 2022. | HCD Second Comment Letter dated September 2, 2022 |
09/23/22 | Updated Revised Draft Housing Element The Updated Revised Draft Housing Element is being circulated for public review prior to resubmittal to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). | Updated Revised Draft Housing Element dated September 23, 2022 |
11/23/22 | Updated Revised Draft Housing Element Staff met with HCD in November to discuss final minor refinements to the Draft Housing Element. While this update will not result in a "new" review by HCD, the updates are included in the Updated Revised Draft Housing Element dated November 23, 2022. | Updated Revised Draft Housing Element dated November 23, 2022 |
11/29/22 | HCD Certifies Draft Housing Element HCD has concluded their review and provided certification that the Draft Housing Element complies with State Housing Element Law. | Letter - HCD Certifies Moorpark's Draft Housing Element |
1/24/23 | Planning Commission Hearing on Housing Element | Planning Commission Hearing |
2/15/23 | City Council Hearing The City Council approved the 2021-2029 Housing Element. | City Council Hearing |
To view the City of Moorpark’s 5th Cycle Housing Element: City of Moorpark’s 2014-2021 Housing Element
While also meeting a state mandated requirement, an approved and adopted Housing Element will allow the City of Moorpark to apply for available State funding to develop more affordable housing and support housing related priorities in the community.
Recent years have seen housing prices outpace increases in household income. The high demand for housing coupled with a limited supply of housing has made it increasingly more difficult to find and afford housing. The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines an “affordable dwelling” as one that a household can obtain for 30 percent or less of its income. However, this varies from city to city. See Moorpark’s 2021-2022 annual income eligibility limits for very low, low, and moderate income families here.
For example: a household is considered “low-income” if it makes less than 80 percent of the median income in the local area (this is called Area Median Income, or AMI). So, by this definition, a dwelling is considered “affordable” for low-income families if it costs less than 24 percent of the area median income.
In the Southern California region, there is a scarcity of affordable housing. But in many areas, the basic problem is that demand for housing is high. For housing to be more affordable, the supply of houses needs to increase.
To submit comments/questions related to the Housing Element or to be added to the interest list for future announcements please email:
© 2020
799 Moorpark Avenue
Moorpark, CA 93021
Phone: 805-517-6289
Fax: 805-532-2540